
Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Mother's Day Come and Gone

What a great day!  I got to sleep in for oh 30 more minutes than normal, be treated to brunch, go grocery shopping, sit uber close to my 2 youngins' in the back seat all the way to Cincinnati, cook grill my own dinner, and have my soon-to-be 4-year old son pee his pants not once but twice! 

Great day, huh?  Seriously, it was actually a fantastic day.  I'll take any extra beauty rest anyone is willing to throw my way and the brunch?  Oh the brunch was oh so delicious-o.  The kids actually behaved themselves quite well in the car - that was the real gift!  The grocery shopping was at my favorite, Trader Joe's, and I'm always game for slowing purusing those aisles.  Hello 2 buck 4 buck Chuck!  And it was so beautiful yesterday that going outside to grill was actually a treat.

To cap off the day, I got a foot massage, followed by a shoulder massage.  Ah, heavenly.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day!  Yes, please, I'll take another one of these in say, a month?  Too soon?  Okay, 2.

Wes is practicing his camera skills and I must say he's greatly improving.  Disregard Sawyer's enormous bib - he was eating devouring a teething biscuit.


  1. Ah, what a sweet photo! Yeah, it's so funny what Mother's Day can devolve into sometimes. A wonderful day one minute, breaking up fights and wiping away tears the next. Oh, well. All in a day's work, right? And we wouldn't trade it for the world! Glad to hear you had a great day. (Can't wait until the $4 Chuck comes to Louisville!)

  2. Precious picture!! Happy mother's day :) It sounds like you did exactly what you wanted to do!

  3. There's a Trader Joe's opening here in July, I cannot wait! So glad you had a good Mother's Day! :)

  4. happy belated mother's day!! your brunch and massages sound amazing!!

  5. Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day! Thank you so much for your sweet compliments on Facebook. They mean so much to me:)

  6. Happy Mother's Day! I love the poem below :) and the picture- absolutely precious!
