
Monday, July 19, 2010

Settling In

Well it's hard to believe but Sawyer has almost been in this world an entire week.  In some regards it seems like it's been every minute of a week but in most ways, it's hard to believe an entire week has passed since that fateful morning.  There are many things associated with giving birth and the subsequent first weeks that are somehow erased from a mother's memory (God's way of ensuring we don't just stop with 1 child I suppose) but I honestly hope I don't ever forget the story of Sawyer's birth.

As I sit here listening to him grunting and groaning, I do recall many similarities with Colin.  Wes and I aren't sure if all babies make the same noises and faces but both of our boys sure have.  Thankfully, those memories weren't permanently erased, just pushed to the cob-webbed corners of my mind.

Colin seems to love his little brother and is very gentle and concerned with his every cry and movement.  Their first meeting was very sweet.  Colin wanted to see his parts - specifically his elbow and his feet.  Meanwhile Sawyer jerked his head towards Colin's voice the minute he heard him speak.  I guess he's been hearing it for several months now and just recognized the voice.  It almost seemed as if he smiled when he heard it.

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you.  Colin is shirtless and we're not even at Walmart!  He spilled some water on his shirt and refuses to wear wet or soiled clothing - totally gets that from his mother.

Back at the homeplace, Colin has become a great little helper and loves to fetch clean diapers and put the dirty diapers in the diaper pail.  He loves to kiss "Pete" on the forehead and touch his nose.  He got excited when Wes told him Sawyer was almost a week old because he thought that meant he could now teach him to walk.  We clearly have our work cut out for us trying to teach the concept of time.

Wes and I are doing ok on the sleep front.  We knew this was coming so somehow we feel like we've prepared ourselves - even though that's totally not possible.  I will say with him being the second, he seems somewhat easier in general.  We've come to the conclusion it's because we have a better idea what to expect and we're just more relaxed.  We've already taken him out a couple of times and I'm pretty sure we had not done that with Colin at this stage.  We'll see how we're feeling this time next week (:


  1. This is SO sweet! I'm getting baby fever.

  2. Glad to see you all are still doing good! Little Colin's face is priceless, he looks like he is beaming he is so happy!

  3. lol - it cracks me up that Colin didn't have his shirt on!!! And your Wal-Mart comment!!!

  4. Colin looks like such a proud older brother - what wonderful pictures! And I'm so glad to hear that things are going well back at home, even okay on the sleep front.

  5. I got an email earlier, about next Wednesday at Harry' mentioned a toast to "danielle, wes and sawyer." Had no idea you too were an Alpha Gam! :)

  6. those pictures are so sweet. brotherly love from the start!

  7. Oh, those pictures are the BEST, Danielle! Colin's expression is priceless - he is literally beaming sunshine, he is so happy. So glad to hear you all are settling in, getting some rest, and that you all have been able to venture out (glad to hear you think it is easier the second time around, I'm really hoping that is the case for us, too!).

  8. Aww, the pics of all your boys together is beyond adorable - Colin looks like such a proud and happy big brother!

  9. What a happy and proud big brother! Glad to hear it seems easier the second time around!!
