
Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I think Wes and I have permanently scarred our child. Who would have thought a man in costume would be so traumatizing? Clearly not us. Being the freebie/coupon/sale queen, I had to take advantage of Chick-fil-A's deal on Labor Day for a free sandwich to anyone wearing a team logo. So here we all go, decked out in our blue and white (people in Target did stare a little but we thought it was because they knew what and where we were going), at the busiest time of day - noon. As you can imagine, the place was packed. To join in the festivities, they had the Chick-fil-A cow there walking around. We thought it was cute and Colin would enjoy seeing him. WRONG! Wes was holding Colin while I ordered and apparently the cow started getting a little too close - you know, maybe 20 feet away, as opposed to 30. Colin started crying hysterically like someone had inflicted physical harm to him. He immediately started calling my name, as if I could protect him from the beast. I'm touched, really I am, but I'm pretty sure I'd be useless in protecting him from a 500 pound animal.

We quickly got our food and left. If only the thought and image would have left just as quickly. It's 3 days later and he's still talking about that darn cow! Without fail he mentions it as he's going to sleep and almost immediately when he wakes up, which saddens me because it means he's probably been dreaming about it. I hope the poor little guy isn't having nightmares! I tried to tell him there was a man inside and it was just a costume but I'm not sure if he can fully comprehend that idea. Who could blame him really? Now he says, "I no see that big cow." Followed by, "There man in there." And finally, "That cow say MOO Colin."

What have I done? I thought surely he'd be over it by now but I think this one was really a moving (ha) experience. I can't think of anything else I can say to reassure him the cow isn't coming to get him. At this rate Halloween should be a blast!


  1. Awww poor Colin! I was scared to death of anything in costume when I was little, too. I am not a parent, but I wonder if you or Wes put on a mask or something to show him what the "person inside" really looks like / is ... I don't know if that would help him realize it wasn't a real cow out to get him or freak him out more that Mom or Dad had gone away, just a thought from a non-parent : )

  2. Awww... poor little man! I was traumatized by CFA that day but it was because of the sheer volume of people STILL there at 8 pm! We tried to wait out the crowd... nada.
