It's back! FYI Friday has been on hiatus for a couple of weeks but I'm excited to bring it back this week. I have some fun things to share with you, so let's get to it.
1. I am over the moon excited about an upcoming overnight adventure Wes and I have planned here. This is one of my favorite places in the entire world (at least that I've been) and he's never been. I can't wait for him to experience the luxury and relaxation. And a big thank you to my lovely mother for surprising us with part of this getaway and most importantly, watching our kids while we're gone. She'll get to experience the school routine one morning. I'm sure that will bring back lots of memories for her. Maybe she'll get up and cook them a hot breakfast like she used to do for us (:
2. These are some startling facts about obesity and food consumption in the US. We can change this people! It has to start somewhere, why not with you?! Put the Crisco down. Just say "no" to sugary drinks. Say it with me, plants, people, plants! And my personal favorite, "Genes load the gun but diet pulls the trigger." The end.
3. I wonder if Wes would mind if I stole some of his shaving cream and Listerine to do this? Pedicures are great and all but I'm too frugal to spend the money. But this, this is right up my alley!
4. Can't wait to get my hands a copy of this book. Well not so much so that I'm willing to fork over any cash money for it, but my name is already on the list at the library!
5. I'm giving my artistic side a chance this weekend. I'm putting on my modern art hat and going to create some art to jazz up my dining room walls. I've already begun the frames, now I just need the costly art to fill them up. Wink! Here's my inspiration:
I'm excited to see your art! I always try, but I need to learn I really don't have the artistic edge. Have a great weekend!